Sunday, April 18, 2010

Final Info Session Before Big March!

On Sunday, April 25th at 3:00 p.m. we will be holding a meeting to finalize the details of our march to the State House 3 days later. If you are reading this and are not yet a member of S.A.V.E., we strongly encourage you to join us in this meeting and contribute in the final planning of our march. The location is TBD, so just e-mail us at if you wish to join us.
Our plan for the meeting is to begin as a large group outlining the plan of action for the entire day, followed by questions, concerns, and suggestions. This is a communal decision-making process meaning that everyone will have equal input in all decisions, even if they do not have as much experience with our campaign. We believe that more voices always leads to better decision-making.
After this large group outline of the big day, we will break up into smaller groups to work on various tasks that still need to be finished, such as sign/banner making, working on chants, creating props/decorations for the theatrical performance , etc.

Please join us in this important step towards pressuring State Legislators to reinstate funding for these vital programs!!

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